ENT Surgery Post-operative instructions
Because the grommet creates an opening through the eardrum into the middle ear, the ear canals should be blocked when washing hair or swimming. Plugs can either be made with:
- Cotton wool covered with a bit of Vaseline for waterproofing.
- Prestik – about the size of an adult thumbnail so that it does not fall into the ear canal.
- Commercially available silicone plugs used in conjunction with a headband to keep it in place. (Available from the hearing clinic)
- It is normal for the ears to discharge after the operation for a period of time. Occasionally no discharge will be visible. A small amount of bleeding or blood stained discharge for the first day or two is also normal.
- The eardrops supplied in the clinic should be used for the first day or two. If there is no discharge, no further drops are needed. If the ears are still leaking, the drops should be continued.
- It is normal for small children to pull on and fiddle with their ears after grommets.
- An appointment should be made for approximately two weeks after the operation where the position and condition of the grommets will be checked. Thereafter three to four monthly visits are a good idea to monitor the grommets.
- Most of the pain of the operation is due to spasm of the swallowing muscles. It is important therefore to eat as often as possible after the procedure. This will hasten the recovery period and limit pain, as well as decrease the incidence of complications such as infection and bleeding.
- NO fruit or fruit juice must be taken for the first two weeks after the operation. Certain fruits contain enzymes, which may cause bleeding.
- Foods to be taken should include chips, Niknaks, biltong, Kentucky, McDonalds, Plain or Vanilla yoghurt, cream soda. etc. A nice healthy diet! Jelly and custard are OK but should not constitute the sole menu. Coke and other non-fruit drinks are all acceptable.
- It is quite normal to experience some ear-ache after a Tonsillectomy procedure. This is a referred pain and there is no reason for concern. It will subside as the healing process continues.
- Most children should recover within a week if they eat adequately. If they do not eat and swallow, the recovery period could be as long as three weeks.
- Adults require about two weeks to recover.
- If you would like to have the healing process checked, please make an appointment for approximately 2 weeks after the operation. If the patient is eating well after two weeks, a normal diet may be started without any further follow up visits.
- If any situation arises that causes any concern, please contact us at the rooms or come in for a visit. Any bleeding must not be ignored and we must please be notified.
Instructions for Surgery:
Procedures are done according to age with the youngest patient first on the theatre list.
NO ARNICA OR ASPIRIN_(DISPRIN, ECOTRIN, etc) should be used for TWO WEEKS PRIOR to any procedure.
No Antihypertensive medication to be taken on the day of the surgery.
Nothing to EAT before surgery. (Means. Nothing! PLEASE NO CHEWING GUM!)
Operation in the morning (Mondays):
- Normal supper the evening before the operation. Nothing to eat or drink_after 12pm.
- Breast and Bottle-Fed babies may have milk until 2am. Thereafter they may have clear fluids such as water, juice, tea without milk, etc until 2 hours prior to admission. Nothing after this.
- Children must be in the clinic by 07H30, unless instructed otherwise.
Operation in the afternoon (Wednesdays):
- Light breakfast must be eaten before 07H30.
- Breast and Bottle-Fed babies may have milk until 7H30. Thereafter they may have clear fluids such as water, juice, tea with no milk until 2 hours prior to admission. Nothing after this.
- Children must be in the clinic by 12H30, unless instructed otherwise.
- Adults to be in the clinic by 14H00, unless instructed otherwise.
Operation at Wilgeheuwel /Pinehaven Hospital (Thursdays) & (Saturdays):
- Children and adults must be in the hospital by 05H45, unless instructed otherwise.
- Normal supper the evening before the procedure. Please, no chewing gum. Nothing to eat or drink after 12pm
- Breast and Bottle-Fed babies may have milk until 2am. Thereafter they may have clear fluids such as water, juice, tea without milk, etc until 2 hours prior to admission. Nothing after this.
All CT-Scan’s, MRI’s and X-Ray’s must please be taken along to theatre.